Yum’s the Word curates funny, true stories with heart. You don’t have to be a comedian, but your story should have funny moments in it.

If you would like to tell a story at an upcoming Yum’s the Word show, please follow these instructions.

  • Send a pitch with a brief description (150 words max.) of your story detailing the beginning, middle and end to info[AT]yumsthewordshow[DOT]com. Please do not send essays, bullets, teases or long pitches.
  • If Robin is not familiar with your work, please send a video of you telling a story in front of an audience (ideally, the story that you’re pitching).
  • In the subject line of your email, please write “Pitch: Theme” (e.g. “Pitch: Banana Split”). If you want to submit for multiple themes, please send separate emails.
  • We strongly suggest you attend a show to get a “taste” of the event and introduce yourself to Robin after the show if you don’t know her. Check the show schedule.

Please note - We do not have the dates for the upcoming shows because we only get them a month in advance, and we do not know when we’re booking which themes.

Upcoming Themes

  • Dairy Queens and Kings (Stories from Scoop Shops, Ice Cream Trucks, etc.)
  • Birthdays (Stories of Birthday Parties, Bad/Good Birthdays)
  • Cone-oisseur (Stories of Experts and Know-It-All’s)
  • Phish Food (Stories about Animals)
  • Cold Feet (Stories of Being Scared or Nervous)
  • Nookies and Cream (Stories of Fooling Around)
  • A La Mode (Stories about Fashion)
  • Skinny Cow (Stories about Weight Loss or Gain)
  • Cherry Garcia (Music Stories)
  • Icing on the Cake (Stories of One-Upsmanship)
  • Cherry on Top (Stories of Your First Time)
  • Love Bites (Stories of Heartbreak)
  • Decadence (Stories of Indulgence)
  • Waffling (Stories of Indecision)